April 8th,
This past weekend was spent visiting multiple cities in Morocco. The first day was an early one having to get up at 6 to get ready to leave for the bus. Being tired on the bus and having it be stuffy and hot made me feel sick on the way there which was not fun. I luckily felt okay on the boat ride to Morocco which a few did not handle well. The weekend was filled with traveling around on a bus hopping out and touring and then getting back in to go to a new location. While Sam had told me before that it was an exhausting weekend I didn’t realize how true that would be. I ended up falling asleep every time we got back in the car the first day. I was actually happy we got locked in the hotel at night as it made it easier to just curl up and go to bed instead of feeling like you still need to be out and experiencing the new place. This meant I got lots of sleep this weekend and was well rested for the upcoming week. There were so many amazing things to buy there that I got more souvenirs than I’ve gotten anywhere. The skincare and scarfs were my favorites but if I had the money to get one of the rugs I would have to. I even ended up bargaining and getting some handmade pottery for my mom to put plants in without even trying. Overall the trip was beautiful and very different from the European cities and cultures that I have gotten used to from my time in Spain.
